Category: Blog

  • My Future Phone

    My Future Phone

    Edit: I will begin this post the exact same way I have chosen to end it. Your choice of phone is a big part of who you are, especially for those of you who use a phone for several hours every single day. I do not take choosing a new phone lightly, and for those…

  • Going Forward

    Going Forward

    Hey guys, I know this is a little bit later than I usually write, but I figure it’s best if I don’t catch people getting off work around 5 when people are primed and ready to be social (that’s what you workadays do when you finish the day right, check social networks?). I wanted to…

  • Why I’ll be a Student as long as I can

    Why I’ll be a Student as long as I can

    If you are an up-to-date reader of this virtual publication, you will surely be aware by now that I currently find myself without any long-term employment. After having undertaken and completed 5+ years of school, I find myself thrust upon the world with plenty of knowledge and experience, but little that entices most employers to…

  • No Hope for the Future

    I spend a lot of my time just thinking, mostly about ways I could improve the world, though sometimes I’ll admit I get a bit selfish and worry about my own needs. However, most times when I reason out different problems with the world as a whole, there are some very important reasons why things…

  • Future Work Experience

    Alright guys, another fun topic I’ve been sitting on for a while, I want to discuss with you all a conundrum which I’m sure has bothered all of us at one time or another growing up. The tautological statement “You need experience to get this job, so just get a job so you can gain…

  • In today’s news (October 19, 2012)

    In today’s news (October 19, 2012)

    Hey everyone, Post writing edit: This actually turned out way, WAY longer than I had intended. Sort of got carried away again. I will try to tone it down a little bit. I really do want to do this every day, but keeping up this pace would be a little bit ridiculous. Anyhow, I may…

  • We Are The Future

    We Are The Future

    I have written before on the idea that we can all learn very important life lessons from our parents, and how it is important to let our elders influence and shape our relationships and understanding of the world. I made the argument here that there is no real need to take what our role models say…

  • A hand at poetry.
  • Changing the Future

    Changing the Future

    There has been a lot of hubbub recently (at least in the news cycle that I follow) about Apple changing the physical connector on the bottom of their latest generation of iDevices. The old connector, which was unimaginatively called the dock connector (or 30-pin connector, for the number of electrical contacts in the dock), was used to…

  • Obligatory iPhone post (New Design)

    Okay guys, I hate to do this, but I have to say one thing about the fact that the newest iPhone is being announced tomorrow. And it’s not about things that everyone on the internet are saying are going to be in it, or whether it’s going to be called “The new iPhone” or iPhone…