Merry Christmas 2018!!

Hello friends and family, I hope you’ve all had a wonderful year and are taking a little time to relax over the holidays.

My family has changed quite a bit over the last year, and for some of you, we don’t get to talk or catch up very often, so I would like to fill you in on a little of what our 2018 has looked like (starting with our Christmas card below):


Jan 1, 2018 – We rang in the New Year at a cottage with a few close friends, and when we got back to the city, we saw that Ted clearly had as much fun as we did, celebrating with Nonna and Nonno. 

Jan 4, 2018 – I finally got my act together and added photos to the ornaments I add to Julia’s stocking each year, to celebrate the fact that Evie was here for her very first Christmas, whether she knew it at the time or not (she did not).

Jan 21, 2018 – Due to changing circumstances (see more below), my podcasting setup went mobile in the first half of 2018, as all kinds of new furniture appears in the second bedroom (see crib and eventual stroller in the top of the photo).

Jan 27, 2018 – Everyone is getting in on the excitement about the new baby!


Feb 24, 2018 – Ted and Evie (and Julia) share one of their many evening cuddles.

Feb 28, 2018 – Teddy gets the hang of being a baby.


Mar 15, 2018 – Photos from the pregnancy photo shoot come back.


April 3, 2018 – Evelina Rosa Attrell is born at 6:41 PM. She is 48 cm (19 in) long and weighs 6 lbs, 15 oz.

April 19, 2018 – Evie starts to open her eyes and keep them open pretty regularly.

April 30, 2018 – These two just never stop cuddling.


May 4, 2018 – Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Steph come to visit.

May 16, 2018 – Daddy and Evie get their first alone time when Nonna and Mommy go out for a little pampering.


June 8, 2018 – Evie’s first mugshot (AKA attempted passport photo, which was rejected)

June 10, 2018 – After 10 days with no pooping, we get Evie’s first major poop-splosion!

June 27, 2018 – Evie really likes getting changed, we think it might be time she starts doing it herself.


July 1, 2018 – Evie and Daddy cuddling on the morning of Canada Day.

Jul 4, 2018 – Mom handling two poopers with great poise and grace, with each of them learning each others’ worst habits to make Mom’s life harder!

July 7, 2018 – Family trip to the Montreal Science Center, where we see what Evie will look like when she’s all grown up!

Jul 8, 2018 – Evie is really getting the hang of smiling and laughing!

Jul 25, 2018 – 3 year anniversary means special sushi dinner night!

Jul 30, 2018 – She’s just so cute!


Aug 2, 2018 – Rob celebrates 5 years of service at NSERC with a nice framed certificate!

Aug 14-21, 2018 – Trip to PEI and Nova Scotia. Lots of beaches, boats, and beautiful scenery.

Aug 22, 2018 – Starting to get the hang of sitting on her own…almost.


Sept 11, 2018 – Evie’s first swimming lesson. Top of her class!

Sept 24, 2018 – Evie’s first swing. She really likes it once she gets used to it!

Sept 29, 2018 – Evie is so coy, what’s she always hiding?


Oct 1, 2018 – Starting to experiment with actual food.

Oct 14, 2018 – Evie’s baptism.

Oct 27, 2018 – Our first family Hallowe’en costume, made perfectly by Julia!


Nov 3, 2018 – Evie meets Santa for the first time at Toys R Us (a big surprise to all of us!)

Nov 17, 2018 – All bundled up for Evie’s first Santa Claus parade!

Nov 28, 2018 – Evie learns to climb, seemingly overnight!


Dec 5, 2018 – Evie’s crib gets lowered for the first time.

Dec 10, 2018 – First family portrait with Santa!

Dec 13, 2018 – Evie takes her first bath alone in the tub (and loves it)!

And finally, some highlights from our Christmas photo shoot!