Tag: Data

  • Future Chat #46 – What About Duck Hunt?

    Future Chat #46 – What About Duck Hunt?

    #46 – What About Duck Hunt via Future Chat – This week, we get up to speed on the week in … http://t.co/agGoFczorL — Future Chat (@FutureChats) January 25, 2015

  • Future Chat #45 – Rogers Whispered Sweet Nothings

    Future Chat #45 – Rogers Whispered Sweet Nothings

    This week on +Future Chat, we disprove more pseudoscience, riff a little on Rogers in the wake of my Future Rant last week, and discuss how we approach proving your identity online. #45 – Rogers Whispered Sweet Nothings Subscribe via RSS, on iTunes, or on Stitcher Radio to check it out.

  • Future Chat #44 – Not Sorry for Party Rocking

    Future Chat #44 – Not Sorry for Party Rocking

    This week on +Future Chat, we discuss the coolest futuristic stuff we saw during CES, and what new science programming we’re most looking forward to this year. #44 – Not Sorry for Party Rocking Subscribe via RSS, on iTunes, or on Stitcher Radio to check it out.

  • 2015: A Year in Preview (The Power of a Like)

    2015: A Year in Preview (The Power of a Like)

    I fully intend to get around to writing some thoughts I had about the year that was 2014, but today is not the day for that. Today, I am going to share some of my feelings about the world’s entertainment landscape, discuss how the rise of the internet and the last 5-10 years of pop…

  • Future Chat #40 – Well That Went Well /s

    Future Chat #40 – Well That Went Well /s

    This week on +Future Chat, missed Nick, talked TekSavvy, and tried out a new show structure. Future Chat #40: Well That Went Well Subscribe via RSS, on iTunes, or on Stitcher Radio to check it out.

  • Future Chat #39 – Light

    Future Chat #39 – Light

    This week on Future Chat, we talked about all the different forms light can take, and some scientific and technological applications of light energy. Subscribe via RSS, on iTunes, or on Stitcher Radio to check it out.Future Chat #39: Light

  • Future Sci Chat #12: GMOs

    Future Sci Chat #12: GMOs

    This week on Future Chat, we talked about genetically modified organisms, and we tested a more robust way of recording audio. Subscribe via RSS, on iTunes, or on Stitcher Radio to check it out.Future Sci Chat #12: GMOs

  • Future Tech Chat #26: Automation

    Future Tech Chat #26: Automation

    This episode of Future Chat was all about Automation, how robots and algorithms will continue to take human work and do it more efficiently and more quickly. I had some help in the introduction from Alex from the UK, just another great example of automation.Future Tech Chat #26: Automation

  • Future Tech Chat #25: Social Media in Crisis

    Future Tech Chat #25: Social Media in Crisis

    We went topical this week on +Future Chat, discussing how social media can be used and mis-used in crisis. Between protests, emergencies, and natural disasters, there are innumerable reasons social media can be an incredible way to connect people when they need it most.Future Tech Chat #25: Social Media in Crisis!function(a){var b=”embedly-platform”,c=”script”;if(!a.getElementById(b)){var d=a.createElement(c);d.id=b,d.src=(“https:”===document.location.protocol?”https”:”http”)+”://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/platform.js”;var e=document.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(d,e)}}(document);

  • An Open Letter to Canadian Internet Service Providers

    An Open Letter to Canadian Internet Service Providers

    Dear Internet Service Providers (ISPs), I’m going to attempt to remain as calm as possible throughout this letter, but honestly we’ve all had enough of your ridiculous policies and price gouging. I’ve written and talked about this problem many times before, and 5+ years of crazy and punitive changes to your wireless and home internet…