Tag: Hangouts

  • Fake It Show: Episode 1

    Fake It Show: Episode 1

    So I have started a new podcast, one that’s just for me to talk with friends about things that are important to me. Weekly, biweekly, monthly? Who knows, but no matter what, I’m excited! I hope you like it too! Fake It Show with Rob Attrell: Episode 1: Fake It (with Keegan and Amaan)!function(a){var b=”embedly-platform”,c=”script”;if(!a.getElementById(b)){var…

  • Rob’s Favorite Things (2014 Edition)

    I have thought about this for years now, trying to decide how I should best go on record and give the best way for people to engage with me on the Internet. This is the least terrible option I can think of: **PS. Order matters in these lists After trying all of these, putting apps…

  • Hangout: Saturday, December 1st @ 1PM – Smartphones

    Hangout: Saturday, December 1st @ 1PM – Smartphones

    Alright, the date is almost upon us. In trying to prepare for the discussion, I think it would do well to come up with some sample topics. I could probably talk about cell phones for hours on end myself, but that just would not be interesting to anyone but me! I think it would be…