Tag: Reflection

  • Starting a Media Empire

    Starting a Media Empire

    This entry is not so much a gripe session as it is a telling of the story I’ve gone through in making digital entertainment and putting it on the Internet. We’ll call it part one of perhaps many:   VIDEOS I have been making videos and putting them on YouTube since around the beginning of…

  • Self-Improvement


    I’m going to talk to you today about self-improvement. As somebody who makes a lot of stuff and then puts it on the Internet, it is very easy for me to look through my “back catalogue” and see that the thing I did two months ago is just TERRIBLE. I can’t even bother comparing my…

  • Push vs. Pull

    Push vs. Pull

    For those of you who don’t know, I have been sharing videos back and forth with my sister on YouTube since the end of March of this year. Our YouTube channel is called +Attrell Update, and I bring it up for two reasons, maybe even three (we’ll see how far I get). Point 1: Push vs.…

  • The World’s Most Honest Cover Letter

    The World’s Most Honest Cover Letter

    I really despise writing cover letters in 2014. For online applications, they are worse than useless. If you already know the person doing the hiring, or have a reference/connection, they are probably not even read. If you don’t already know the person, you have NO idea what to say that might compel a complete stranger…

  • Who Am I…and What Can I Do?

    Who Am I…and What Can I Do?

    There is substantial scientific evidence showing that nature and nurture (ie. genetics and environment) both play an important role in determining our personality, intelligence, and our tastes as adults. That being said, I thought it would be interesting for me (and hopefully for you) to look back at where I came from, and how it…

  • Friends in a Digital World

    Friends in a Digital World

    I’ve been told throughout my life that I don’t have many friends. I’m certainly not one to mind being characterized in that way, but I started wondering if that is actually true, or even if there is a tiny bit of truth to a statement of that nature. I’m sure there are lots of people…

  • We Are The Future

    We Are The Future

    I have written before on the idea that we can all learn very important life lessons from our parents, and how it is important to let our elders influence and shape our relationships and understanding of the world. I made the argument here that there is no real need to take what our role models say…

  • Everything I know, I was taught in graduate school.

    In my time as an unemployed human, I have learned a lot about myself. I have likes and dislikes, just as everyone does. For example, I know that I like being employed, and I don’t like looking for a job. At the start of the summer, I didn’t realize that I liked being employed as…

  • Parental Guidance Suggested

    I’ve been preparing a few posts that have been in the works for a while, tending to break away from my typical topics from this forum, instead allowing me to express some thoughts on topics that are a little more serious and reflective. I’d really appreciate any feedback you have on these posts, which I…