Tag: society
Seeds of Thought – Basic Income
This past weekend, I sat down to put some of my thoughts about basic income in to words, and to share my proposal for a basic income plan that might work in a country like Canada.
WTF Society
Ignoring important issues for too long can lead to very self-reflective videos. I apologize, but at the same time…I think it’s necessary.
- Photo by: Alex Hayward
(More) Thoughts on Society
Civilized society has to provide the basic needs for all its citizens to exist and develop. Education, health care, shelter, food, these should not be things anybody goes without.
The “Your Child” Test (Society is Changing, Part 2)
This is the second section of a multi-part piece I’ve been thinking a lot about, which I’m calling ‘Society is Changing’. You can read part 1 here, which will provide some context for this section. There has been a ton of energy, brainpower, blood, sweat and tears that has gone into political movements throughout history.…
- Photo by: Christopher Bulle (Flickr)
Weaving Social Fabric (Society is Changing, Part 1)
In a world where tensions are high, stability is a luxury, and critical aspects of decent society seem to be crumbling before our eyes, it’s easy to rush to angry judgment. The people of the world are becoming more polarized than ever, and this trend shows no sign of slowing. Humans are flawed. We are…
What the hell can millennials do to fix the world?
With each passing day, week, month, and year, young people in North America and the world grow up. As we do so, more of the ills of society come into sharp relief. Typically full of optimism, I find it very hard to continue ignorantly living my life day-to-day, sheltered from the worst of what’s going…