Tag: Unwind
A Big Day
It only makes sense that exactly three years (to the day) after doing my very first video on YouTube, I would cross the threshold of actually earning real money from Google. Let me tell you the story. For a little over a year, starting on July 4, 2011, I had been writing on my blog…
Milestones! Gains! Losses!
That’s a lot of views (I’m just one man)! It’s been far too long since I last wrote something on here, and given that a whole heck of a lot has happened in the last month! First up, around the time of the writing of this post, my blog is going to pass another base…
New Polished Chrome
That’s fancy! Well, it’s finally here. The new look for UnwindMedia.com is ready to go, and you can go and take a look now! I am really happy with how it’s turned out, and it is now quite a bit easier to see information about the shows on the network. I’m getting married this weekend, and…
Website 2.0 is in Private Beta!
Unwindmedia.com 2.0 is almost upon us! As I mentioned yesterday on Facebook and Twitter, there’s a medium/big re-skin of UnwindMedia.com coming very soon. I’ve been researching podcast network websites and taking cues from some of my favourites, and there’s also some brand new custom code pulling strings behind the scene to make adding new shows…
Taylorette1989 is Over, and What is a Podcast?
#Taylorette1989 is done. No, we weren’t able to get Julia into Taylor’s inner circle (although this did happen), but I think both Julia and myself learned a lot about life, love, and what’s important to us in the last 6 months or so of trying. I’ll be writing a bit in the near future about…
East Meets West Returns Triumphantly, And Other Such Things
On UnwindMedia.com this week, I finally managed to convince Nick to sit down with me for another East Meets West! Thank goodness beer exists to help make that happen! We also had great episodes of Future Chat and Ottawhat? as you’d expect, and those were no slouches either. I should note that in Future Chat,…
Startups and Summertime (June 18-23)
Not a whole lots to say this week, except that my order of Soylent has made it to Ottawa, and is waiting for me at the Canada Post office by my house for pickup. I am excited to give it a try, and hope to write and talk about it a whole bunch very soon!…
Soylent, Apple Watch and #DistractinglySexy
The entire Unwind Media library is now available on SoundCloud. We did it! Anyhow, now that the transformation of all the shows is complete, a lot more time just opened up for interesting new things…who knows what this summer will bring? Today, I ordered a 7-day supply of Soylent from a California company called Rosa…
Licensing Issues for Feedback…hmmm (Unwind Media | June 3 – 9)
This week, I finished moving Future Chat to SoundCloud, and by next week the entire Unwind Media back library will be over there! Feedback: The Music Volume I is nearing the date I said it would be out. I’m currently debating options for release, and trying to navigate doing it in as legal as way…
#ABpoli, Orange Crush, and Archives (Unwind Media | May 20-27)
It was another full week on Unwind Media, and I’m happy to let you know we finally recorded another episode of East Meets West, discussing, among other things, the recent NDP sweep of the Albertan Provincial government. If you still haven’t gotten your #Taylorette1989 videos out, or at the very least shared your stories, now…