Tag: Writing
A Diminishing Willingness to Do or Try New Things
The technological inertia of adulthood, signified by a diminishing willingness to do or try new things. I have been trying, without a great deal of success, to get my friends interested in using Slack to communicate with one another. Slack is a great service with mobile apps, desktop apps, and a really slick web interface…
My 2016 (As of January 29)
When I set out to make more in 2016, I did so with the goal of finding work and fulfilling my creative pursuits. It’s only been 29 days so far this year, but I have already learned a ton from this experiment. I’ve been taking more pictures, making all kinds of podcasts, and writing every…
Losing Weight Isn’t Hard
Losing weight is easy, and let me tell you why (and how!). I have something to tell you that could either be unbelievably hard to believe, or possibly instantly understood, depending on your own experiences. I’ve been talking a LOT about my weight and my health in the last 3 months or so, and I’ve…
How to Turn the Page (on Life)
I’m not sure there is a wrong way. This week, I learned that I will be entering a new chapter in my life. For those of you who are following me on social media, you will probably already be aware that I found out that my contract at NSERC, where I’ve been working for the…
What’s my weight again?
Future Chat is on hiatus this week, while Mike schmoozes with Disney characters in Orlando, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot to announce this week! I’ve decided to take my health changes even more seriously, and give you real-time (daily) access to how my health changes are impacting my weight. I’ve never done…
The “Honeymoon” Phase of #JuliaRoberts2015
Getting married has honestly been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. The idea of committing ones-self to only one other person for the rest of your life seems like the kind of thing that would be terrifying, but so far I have been completely fine with it. “The One Where They Got…
Weight Loss (How I Am Breaking The Pattern)
One of my favourite things to do is open up and talk about things that are going on in my life. If you want to hear about me in more detail, I convinced my co-hosts on Ottawhat? to let me talk about myself for an hour this week (listen here). But that’s not what today…
Taylorette1989 is Over, and What is a Podcast?
#Taylorette1989 is done. No, we weren’t able to get Julia into Taylor’s inner circle (although this did happen), but I think both Julia and myself learned a lot about life, love, and what’s important to us in the last 6 months or so of trying. I’ll be writing a bit in the near future about…
Reflections On Soylent So Far
I’m going to keep this fairly short, but after 5 days having Soylent for at least one meal, here are my thoughts: I don’t like the taste of sucralose, and it is the main taste of the current formulation. If there was a non-sweetenered version, I would find that much tastier. I would also love…
Soylent Friday: Day 3
Wow, the last three days have been crazy. Here are my live-blogs from Day 1 and Day 2. Follow the Day 3 story below: 5:40 PM Fri.: Going to see a movie tonight! I will probably get something like pizza or a hotdog, but I usually get both. I am pretty hungry, but I’m “saving”…