Okay, I got a fun idea for a little mini-series that will let me kill two birds with one stone, given that I want to write as much as I can in ways that will be helpful to my future careers, as well as round out my online résumé. On that note, I am going to write a series (starting) with 4 posts about careers which I feel qualified for, as well as why I feel I could do them and what specific job titles fall under that categorical umbrella. The first one of these will be posted momentarily, and all of the essays will be linked to this post eventually, once they’re done. Hopefully by the end of this experiment I will be able to narrow down my focus to only one or two career options.
Up first: Research Scientist!
Ps. For those of you who frequent the blog, you will notice a pretty stark change in scenery. I did this to make it a little more consistent, at least logistically, with my website itself. This will hopefully facilitate navigation, as well as making the blog load faster, which I am sure you will notice.
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