Tag: Future Chat

  • Future Chat #41: That'll Cook Your Phone

    Future Chat #41: That'll Cook Your Phone

    This week on +Future Chat, we discussed open science policy, magnetic induction, and Nick imitates uOttawa professors.Future Chat #41: That’ll Cook Your Phone Subscribe via RSS, on iTunes, or on Stitcher Radio to check it out.

  • Future Chat #40 – Well That Went Well /s

    Future Chat #40 – Well That Went Well /s

    This week on +Future Chat, missed Nick, talked TekSavvy, and tried out a new show structure. Future Chat #40: Well That Went Well Subscribe via RSS, on iTunes, or on Stitcher Radio to check it out.

  • Future Chat #39 – Light

    Future Chat #39 – Light

    This week on Future Chat, we talked about all the different forms light can take, and some scientific and technological applications of light energy. Subscribe via RSS, on iTunes, or on Stitcher Radio to check it out.Future Chat #39: Light

  • Future Sci Chat #12: GMOs

    Future Sci Chat #12: GMOs

    This week on Future Chat, we talked about genetically modified organisms, and we tested a more robust way of recording audio. Subscribe via RSS, on iTunes, or on Stitcher Radio to check it out.Future Sci Chat #12: GMOs

  • Future Tech Chat #26: Automation

    Future Tech Chat #26: Automation

    This episode of Future Chat was all about Automation, how robots and algorithms will continue to take human work and do it more efficiently and more quickly. I had some help in the introduction from Alex from the UK, just another great example of automation.Future Tech Chat #26: Automation

  • Future Sci Chat #11: The Paranormal

    Future Sci Chat #11: The Paranormal

    +Future Chat did a Hallowe’en episode this week, and that means that Rob dressed up for the show! We talked about all manner of supernatural and paranormal phenomena, like ghosts, psychics, and many other supposedly unexplained spooky events. We had a ton of fun this week!Future Sci Chat #11: The Paranormal

  • Future Tech Chat #25: Social Media in Crisis

    Future Tech Chat #25: Social Media in Crisis

    We went topical this week on +Future Chat, discussing how social media can be used and mis-used in crisis. Between protests, emergencies, and natural disasters, there are innumerable reasons social media can be an incredible way to connect people when they need it most.Future Tech Chat #25: Social Media in Crisis!function(a){var b=”embedly-platform”,c=”script”;if(!a.getElementById(b)){var d=a.createElement(c);d.id=b,d.src=(“https:”===document.location.protocol?”https”:”http”)+”://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/platform.js”;var e=document.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(d,e)}}(document);

  • Future Sci Chat #10: Health

    Future Sci Chat #10: Health

    On +Future Chat this week, we went all in on health. Things like homeopathy, vitamin supplements, and extra strength medicine are all on the docket for discussion. We also talked about death in the aftershow, which was a very interesting discussion. Next week, we will be taking a little break, so tune in on October 25th for…

  • Future Tech Chat #24: Google Y

    Future Tech Chat #24: Google Y

    This week, +Future Chat was all about the future of Google. We talked big picture projects, like building model cities and airport efficiency. We also talked about what big stuff we’d tackle if we had Google’s purse strings. Future Tech Chat #24: Google Y!function(a){var b=”embedly-platform”,c=”script”;if(!a.getElementById(b)){var d=a.createElement(c);d.id=b,d.src=(“https:”===document.location.protocol?”https”:”http”)+”://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/platform.js”;var e=document.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(d,e)}}(document);

  • Future Sci Chat #9: Transportation

    Future Sci Chat #9: Transportation

    This week on +Future Chat, the topic was transportation. We talked about dream modes of transport, went into the science of engines, and got way off track talking about exploding party balloons. We also had our first aftershow, which was REALLY fun!Future Sci Chat #9: Transportation!function(a){var b=”embedly-platform”,c=”script”;if(!a.getElementById(b)){var d=a.createElement(c);d.id=b,d.src=(“https:”===document.location.protocol?”https”:”http”)+”://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/platform.js”;var e=document.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(d,e)}}(document);