Category: Blog

  • Proposition 19: Immigration

    How many immigrants does Canada currently admit per year? Does that include refugees who are immigrating to Canada out of necessity? This is information I could really use to help answer this question. Many people like to say that “America is full” (North and Sound America), but if people are being honest, that’s just bullshit.…

  • Proposition 18: Defecit Reduction

    Another question that as a progressive just makes me upset. Ontarians of various walks of life have been feeling the effects of these public services cuts since Doug Ford took office, and the CPC finally released their budgeted platform last week. I think a lot of people don’t really understand how government budgets work (I’m…

  • Proposition 17: Asylum Claims

    F off with this question. Some of these Vote Compass questions have nuance and are complicated, but not this one. Asylum claims are not something that should be taken lightly like it is in this question, and the fact that people would come in to our country looking for somewhere safe demonstrates to me that…

  • Proposition 16: Oil and Gas Subsidies

    This question is a weird one for me, because it’s phrased like the industry definitely gets subsidies (which…why?!?!), but it doesn’t give any information about how much they receive (and whyyyyyyyy?). Regardless of how much they receive, it kind of seems like there’s no reason for these companies to get any money from the government,…

  • Proposition 15: Supervised Injection Sites

    I’m of the opinion that drugs are bad. However, addiction is a thing, and honestly, if somebody is taking drugs, I would rather they have the option to administer them in a safe way, and in an environment where nurses or doctors are available to help, in addition to clean and sterile needles. I have…

  • Proposition 14: Abortion Services

    This is one of those questions where not only do I feel like the question doesn’t contain enough information for the average person to answer, but I also feel like no man can actually give a reasonable, informed answer to this question. First off, I wish I knew how available abortion services were for the…

  • Proposition 13: Corporate Taxes

    I don’t know exactly how much tax large corporations pay, but I know it’s not a lot, and I know they should be doing more with their money than paying executives bonuses and paying dividends to mostly rich shareholders, while employees suffer with low wages and stingy benefit packages. I know next to nothing about…

  • Proposition 12: Trans Pronoun Rights

    This question makes me feel a lot of things. For one, it’s the only question on trans rights in this vote compass, and I think that protections for LGBT people should continue to increase until they are as safe and protected in their everyday lives as straight and cis people. For another, I think respect…

  • Proposition 11: Equalization Payments

    I’ve always been an egalitarian at heart, in that I think that as long as everybody has enough to go around, people should be able to share their wealth without really thinking too hard about it. I don’t expect provinces who have more to bankrupt themselves in order to pay other provinces, but the whole…

  • Proposition 10: Quebec Separatism (2)

    Since I’m not particularly interested in the nuances of provinces joining and leaving Canada, this question is effectively the same as Proposition 6 for me, except that it doesn’t take any kind of slant. I have no opinion about whether Quebec should separate from the rest of Canada, except that I think it’s kind of…